Seeds for transformative change morning tea at #WWWeek 2023

Posted Saturday 19 August 2023
A blue graphic with details of this event and five fruits representing the five resources to be shared.

Building on our World Water Week session, Seeds for Sustainable Solutions - Assessing Transformation in WASH, we are pleased to invite in person delegates to our special morning tea event.

Seed for Transformative Change
Wednesday 23 August
Level 4, Booth 4:15

We'll be showcasing some of our best tools and resources over morning tea at our booth to help water and WASH practitioners embed gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) in programs and organisations for better outcomes in water and WASH, achieving SDG targets and reducing social inequalities.

These include:

Presented by Jose Mott, GEDSI Advisor, Water for Women 

Presented by Jess McArthur, the University of Sydney's Institute for Sustainable Futures 

Presented by Isobel Davis, the University of Sydney's Institute for Sustainable Futures 


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